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Bright green downhill meadow in Transylvania - Meadow
A white horse looking into the camera. - Portrait of a horse
A rainbow above the swampy meadow - Rainbow
A gravel road leading through meadows - Gravel road
Green landscape on the hills, trees scattered around. - Summer on the meadow
Waving cornfield with a pasture and a forest in the background. - Field and forest
Open fileds with mushrooms in the foreground. - Fields of freedom
A green field with trees and pasture. - Summer in the mountains
A green field with trees along the road. - Summer in the mountains
A green field with a settlement in the background. - Summer in the mountains
Blossoming trees in the Transylvanian alps - Spring in the alps
White and red flowers cover the summer meadow. - Flowers on the meadow
Spring slopes in the mountain in Transylvania - Spring slopes in the mountain
Blossoming trees on the green slopes. - Spring has arrived in the mountains
Two horses on the meadow before alps - Horses
A white horse is passing by the camera - Profile of a horse
A white horse is staring into the camera. - Horse on the rest
A solitary white horse on the summer meadow. - A horse portrait
A white horse looking into the camera. - Portrait of a white horse
A white horse looking into the camera. - Close portrait of the head of a white horse
View of a meadow with lots of wildflowers and some trees - Flowering meadow
Brown horses grazing on the field - Brown horses