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Set of color shopping cart glass web buttons. Arranged layer structure. - Color shopping cart glass buttons
Ruble wallet icons on round color glass buttons - Ruble wallet color glass buttons
Webshop application engraved icons on rounded square glossy steel buttons - Webshop application rounded square steel buttons
Basic web button set in round glossy style with dark blue colors. Disabled status icon color used. - Basic web buttons. Disabled status.
Basic web button set in round glossy style with dark blue colors. Hover or active  status icon color used. - Basic web buttons. Hover status.
Webshop application engraved style icons on long, rectangular, glossy color menu buttons. Available copyspaces for menu captions. - Webshop application icons on color glossy, rectangular menu button
Basic web button set in round glossy style with dark blue colors. Normal status icon color used. - Basic web buttons. Normal status.
Traceroute remote computer flat color icons in round outlines. 6 bonus icons included. - Traceroute remote computer flat color icons in round outlines
Set of Mobile shopping glossy web buttons. Arranged layer structure. - Mobile shopping button set
Set of round glossy task list buttons. Arranged layer structure. - Task list button set
Webshop application white icons on edged square buttons in various trendy colors - Webshop application white icons on edged square buttons
Set of carved wooden price cut buttons. 8 variations included. Arranged layer structure. - Price cut wooden buttons
Empty cart icons on round color glass buttons - Empty cart color glass buttons
Webshop application icons in color illuminated spherical glass buttons on black background. Can be used to black or dark templates - Webshop application icons in color illuminated glass buttons