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'verdant' - Stock Photos and Vectors - Search

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Leaves solid flat color icons in round outlines on white background - Leaves solid flat icons with outlines
Leaves outline flat color icons in round outlines. 6 bonus icons included. - Leaves outline flat color icons in round outlines
Leaves solid white flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds - Leaves solid rounded square flat icons
Leaves outline icons on round glass buttons in multiple colors. Arranged layer structure - Leaves outline color glass buttons
Leaves solid flat white icons on round color backgrounds - Leaves solid flat round icons
A huge tree with a nice foliage - Green giant
A winding road with verdant trees - Winding road
A road with some bends - Twisty road
A beautiful landscape with a nice range of mountains - Mountainous landscape
Three trees build one big crown - Three in one
Glade somewhere in a forest - In the wood
A park near to the castle of a city - City park
Part of a big green grain field - Green field
Poppies in the green grain - Wildflowers in the corn field
A nice rock formation with lush vegetation - Verdant boulder
Green pastures in a hilly area - Pastures
A beautiful blue lake surrounded by mountains - Turquoise beauty