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Leaves of fern and a layer of some moss on the rock - Mr. Moss and Mrs. Fern
Bouquet of flowers outline flat white icons on round color backgrounds. 17 background color variations are included. - Bouquet of flowers outline flat white icons on round color backgrounds
Bouquet of flowers solid white flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds. 6 bonus icons included - Bouquet of flowers solid flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds
A Sunflower with blue sky background - Sunflower with blue sky background
Bouquet of flowers outline flat color icons in square frames on white background - Bouquet of flowers outline flat framed icons
Bouquet of flowers outline flat color icons with quadrant frames on white background - Bouquet of flowers outline flat color icons with quadrant frames
Bouquet of flowers outline multi colored flat icons on plain square backgrounds. Included white and darker icon variations for hover or active effects. - Bouquet of flowers outline square flat multi colored icons
Bouquet of flowers outline icons on round glass buttons in multiple colors. Arranged layer structure - Bouquet of flowers outline color glass buttons
Close-up of a Saintpaulia flower isolated on white - Saintpaulia
Close-up of a pot with blue Saintpaulia ionantha - Saintpaulia